The Martian Invasions

HG Wells
War of the Worlds
October 30 1938
Live, newslike radio broadcast of martian invasion. Fooled
a lot of people, causing panic:
Audio Clips:
whole audio can be found here. This is totally cool...
Also, Halloween night 11pm on
AM1220 - check it out!
We know the real
story, don't we John Ya-ya?
Yes, we do John Smallberries...
Mariner 4 - Death of the Martians
July 15, 1965: Mariner 4 flyby took pictures of the surface
of Mars
Cratered, moon-like, dead world. Didn't look good for
Mariner 9 - We're not dead yet!

Okay, well now we see signs of vulcanism, water flow, perhaps
not completely dead...
Resolution of Mariner cameras was few hundred meters.
Could plant life exist (maybe even small animal life)?